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翻译 将成语翻译成英语

1.mistake the shadow of a bow in one's cup as a snake
2.people of worth show their morality during hardships
3.bully people by flaunting one's powerful connections
4.different in approach but equally satisfactory in result
5.many a little makes a mickle
6.have eyes but fail to see Taishan Mountain(fail to recognize a great person)


The accumulation of idioms


[yú gōng yí shān]
the Foolish Old Man, who removed the mountains.
[kè zhōu qiú jiàn]
Carve on gunwale of a moving boat.

互相矛盾contradict each other
孟母三迁Mencius' mother moves her home three times to better her son's education.
perseverance will prevail ;
司马光砸缸Sima Guang hit the tank
水漫金山Water overflows golden hill
[jīng zhōng bào guó]
repay the country with supreme loyalty -- patriotism ;
[huáng páo jiā shēn]
be draped with the imperial yellow robe by one's supporters;
[wàng méi zhǐ kě]
quench one's thirst by thinking of plums -- console oneself with false hopes;
独守长板桥Only keep long slab


一字不识---Did not know the word
九霄云外---Cloud Nine
一刀两段===Cut two
一了百了---Resolved once and for all
一目了然---At a glance
晴天霹雳--A bolt from the blue
看家本领---An ace up one's sleeve
火上浇油 ---Add salt to the wound
爱屋及乌---Love me, love my dog
笨鸟先飞---A slow sparrow should make an early start


Making His Mark (Ke Zhou Qiu Jian)
A man from the state of Chu was crossing a river. In the boat, his sword fell into the water. Immediately he made a mark on the boat.
This is where my sword fell off, he said.
When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to look for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat.
The boat had moved but the sword had not. Is this not a very foolish way to look for a sword?

