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    crown (headgear)

crown [kraun]

    n.王冠,花冠,顶 vt.加冕,顶上有,表彰,使圆满完成

headgear [hedgiә(r)]



他们编制了一顶荆棘的皇冠。They had platted a crown of thorns.她的律师说有人试图胁迫这位美丽王妃放弃皇冠。Amy polumbo's attorney says someone is trying to force the beauty queen to give up her crown.用于玻璃瓶、皇冠盖的啤酒灌装及封口。Usage: it is used for filling and sealing various kind of glass bottle with crown type bottle mouth.与皇冠上的宝石相比那枚戒指根本不值什幺钱。That ring is beans compared with the crown jewels.在哈索尔面前是她的儿子塞瑟里安,戴着上下埃及的皇冠。In front of hathor her son caesarion wearing the crown again of upper and low egypt.在哈索尔面前是她的儿子塞瑟里安,他戴着上下埃及的皇冠。In front of hathor her son caesarion wearing the crown again of upper and lower egypt.这个皇冠会不会让我的耳朵看起来太大了?Does this crown make my ears look big?阿基米德就在浴缸里证明了皇冠是假冒的And thusly archimedes proved the crown was a fake in the bathtub.北京五洲皇冠假日酒店的独特设计,为您提供完美的享受。The unique design of beijing crowne plaza hotel will bring you perfect experience and enjoyment.单瓣樱桃色花。绿色和奶油色组合成的皇冠斑白脉叶。迷你型。Single variegated green and cream girl foliage.miniature.皇冠脉轮是灵性梦想时间层。The crown chakra is the dreamtime of spirituality.没有磨难,就没有皇冠。意思很普通,可贵的是压的头韵,在翻译中很难传达。No cross no crown.---William penn.如果那个肥壮的母牛偷走了我的皇冠,我只能看着了。If that cow kylie wood is gonna walk off with my crown I have to see it.


皇冠可乐清凉饮料 Royal Crown Cola

皇冠牌手錶 Crown

皇冠牌手錶 Crown

皇冠牌汽车 Crown

皇冠牌汽车 Crown

