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无须的英文翻译 无须英文怎幺说 无须的英文例句




    need not
    not obliged to
    not necessarily

need [ni:d]

    n.需要,必需,必需品,要求,贫困 vt.需要 modal v.必要,必须

obliged [ə'blaidʒd]

    adj 1 [pred 作表语] ~ (to sb) (for sth/doing sth) grateful (to sb) for performing some service 受恩惠而感激(某人): I'm much obliged to you for helping us. 非常感激你帮助了我们. 2 (idm 习语) much o`bliged thank you 多谢: `Much obliged,' he said as I opened the door for him. 我给他开门时他说了一声`多谢'


视觉作品,无须具象理解。The vision works not have to understand concretely.他宁愿无须参与此事。He would rather not have to get mixed up in it.我认为你无须着急。I think you needn't worry.无配生殖,无融合生殖无须减数分裂或形成配子的繁殖Reproduction without meiosis or formation of gametes.无须赘言,救了杉巴的不会是他脸上的刻痕。Needless to say scarification is not what rescued ebrahim samba.因为作为一个具有无与伦比特质的凡人,你足够超凡,无须被视做圣徒。You stand tall enough as a human being of unique qualities not to need to be seen as a saint.政府债券无须课印花税。No stamp duty shall be payable in respect of government bonds.作为会议的组织者,您无须应答该会议。As the meeting organizer you do not need to respond to the meeting.


无须多说 take something as read

无须等候泊位 free turn

无须等待委託 without waiting orders

无须答辩 no case to answer

无须证明地相信 take something on trust

无须鳕 deep-sea fillet

无须鳕属 n. Merluccius

谁都无须控告自己 nemo tenetur seipsum accusare

运输时无须冷却的物品 nonperishable item

