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无误的英文翻译 无误英文怎幺说 无误的英文例句





verified [vєrifaid]

    adj. 已证实的


明白无误的坏鸡蛋臭味。The unmistakable stench of rotting eggs.那是确实无误的。There is no mistake about it.请您一定保证收款人的地址準确无误。Please make certain that the remittee's address is quite right.它们必须随付必要的,正确无误的装船单据。They are accompanied by the requisite shipping documents in order.以毫秒无误差地引爆它们We detonate them in a sequence accurate to the millisecond.周恩来又给我们发来了一个明确无误的信号。Zhou enlai sent us another unmistakable signal.


保证投送无误 ensure delivery

债务人认为无误的确定清单 account stated

公证无误 even and quit

内容无误 contents in order

抄帐无误 clerical accuracy

抄账无误 clerical accuracy

无误 according to cocker; in the right; without fault

无误地 without fail

无误差 error free

无误差传输 error free transmission

无误差或遗漏 eooe; errors or omissions excepted

无误差模拟象片 error-free simulated photograph

无误差的 free from error

无误差的回归引数 error-free regressor

无误差的地图资料 clean map

无误差真实变数 error-free true variable

查明无误 make sure of

核对无误 verified correct

确实无误 and no mistake

经核证无误的付本 certified true copy

经核证无误的副本 certified true copy

认为帐目无误 agree account

证明副本无误 certify a copy; legalize a copy

证明无误 certified correct

证明无误的副本 certified copy; certified true copy

证明货物清单无误 certify a manifest

货物的数量确切无误 correctness of cargo quantity

货物重量确切无误 correctness of cargo weight

难保无误 under correction

