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无所谓的英文翻译 无所谓英文怎幺说 无所谓的英文例句




    to be indifferent
    not to matter

indifferent [in'difrәnt]


matter [mætә(r)]

    n.事件,问题,物质,内容,实质,原因,(印刷或书写的)档,(文章或讲话等的)素材 vi.有关係,要紧


我迟些走或是现在走无所谓,我都很乐意I would as lief go now as later.我无所谓,怎幺都行。I don't mind one way or the other.无所谓,反正伊利里亚里没人认识塞巴斯蒂安It doesn't matter.nobody at illyria has even met sebastian.象他这样一个英国人,拿起个旅行袋就去环游世界,当然无所谓,但是,对一位妇女来说,这样就行不通了。It was all very well for an englishman like mr fogg to make the tour of the world with a carpet-bag;因为正如没有法律就无所谓罪恶一样,没有人看也就谈不上什幺举止不雅。For as without law there is no sin without eyes there is no indecorum.到哪去我都无所谓。It makes no odds to me where to go.你觉得我会感觉无所谓吗?Do you thi tle mefeeling okay?我们对任何草案都会感到满意,即使草案的内容非常空洞也无所谓。We would be satisfied with any draft document however vacuous.我们外出也行,不外出也行,对我无所谓。We can go out or stay in it's all the same to me.我在繈褓中的时候,好象男女都无所谓。When I am in swaddling clothes it seems like it does not matter whether I am a boy or a girl.想像,就其本质来说,无所谓道德或不道德。Imagination is of its very nature unmoral.有一点杂草也无所谓。A bit of weeding wouldn't hurt.


对...来说无所谓 be all one to

无所谓 not be fussed about

