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屋外的英文翻译 屋外英文怎幺说 屋外的英文例句



[wū wài]

    outside the room

outside [aut'said]

    n.外面,外表,外界 adj.外面的,外表的,外界的 adv.在外面,外表,出界 prep.在...外

room [rum]



当我一身湿淋淋地站在她的屋外时,科科告诉我说:“冷不好,大猩猩讨厌。”"Cold bad gorilla hate" koko tells me as I stand dripping outside her caravan.我厨房炉子有一通向屋外的烟囱。There is a vent from my kitchen stove to the outside of the house.我听见引擎在屋外轻轻颤动。I heard the gentle purr of an engine outside the house.一天,当拉里坐在屋外的折椅上时,突然灵机一动。One day while sitting outside in his lawn chair larry had his eureka moment.直立在屋外二个漏水的帆布雨篷下面的蔬菜。Vegetables standing outside under a leaky canvas awning.那男子试图拒捕时在自己的屋外被击毙。The man was shot outside his house as he tried to resist arrest.那只骨瘦如柴的小猫在屋外的雨中看起来很可怜。The scrawny little kitten looked so pitiful out in the rain.他们听见了一声狂吠就跑出了屋外。They heard a yap and ran out of the house.我们被屋外震耳欲聋的喧闹声吵醒了。We were awakened by a deafening roar from outside.屋里点着的腊烛,于屋外的一切显得朦胧怪异。The candles alight in the room made all things withoutdoors loom strange.屋外,他想起了盗匪的话。Outside he recalls the words of the robbers.译文:“我们悄悄地拔去了门闩,雪花飘飘,立刻落到屋子里来,走出屋外,寒风迎面而来,利如刀刺。”Silently we unlatch the door letting the drift fall in and step abroad to face the cutting air.


屋外喷水灭火系统 outside sprinkler system

屋外太平梯 exterior fire escape

屋外洒水喷头 water curtain; outside sprinkler

屋外立管 outside standpipe

