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握手的英文翻译 握手英文怎幺说 握手的英文例句




    to shake hands

shake [ʃeik]

    v.摇动,摇,颤抖,震动 n.摇动,摇,颤抖,震动


这些俗气噁心的握手欢迎了吗?Disgusting glad-handing I've done all day?卜特太太用迷人的甜劲儿接受了皮克威先生父亲般的握手。Mrs.pott received mr.pick-wick's paternal grasp of the hand with enchanting sweetness.当握手模式处于nt时无法改写rts!Can't override rts when in handshake mode in nt!卡片和握手的形象代表了信任,消除了银行总是想抓钱的看法。The card and a handshake typify trust and abolish views that the bank was out to seize money.那件事煞有介事;其实不过是一些政客出来摆摆样子,笑着握手寒暄罢了。It was a nonevent; some politicians came to smile and shake hands.那件事煞有介事;其实不过是一些政客出来摆摆样子,笑着握手寒暄罢了。It is a nonevent; some politician come to smile and shake hand.你不跟我握手?You're not gonna shake?你横握手枪,利用枪口的跳动来水準横扫,这一手真是令人印象深刻。You held it sideways and used the muzzle jump to create a horizontal sweep; that was impressive.他们很冷淡地握了握手。They shook hands rather listlessly.我们仅以一次握手就有了默契。We have a tacit agreement based on only a handshake.无力的握手;微弱的反抗A limp handshake; limp opposition.


同...握手 shook hands with

和...握手 shake someone by the hane

握手 join hands

握手买卖 hand-sale

握手买卖合同 hand-sale contract

握手婚约 handfast

握手表示同意 strike hands; struke hands

紧紧地握手 clasp hands

