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    to comprehend
    to apprehend
    to become aware

comprehend [kɔmpri'hend]


apprehend [æpri'hend]



悟空初次借扇,被铁扇公主用芭蕉扇扇得无影无蹤。Instead she blew monkey right out of sight with a single wave of her plantain fan.谢利站在过道上,象个悔悟的小孩那样,显得后悔,羞渐,难受。There stood shirley in the gallery looking contrite ashamed sorry as any repentant child.虚荣自傲是一种愚蠢的作态:它的下场一定是遭到当头棒喝而醒悟。Vainglory is one of the sillier postures: it invariably precedes the rude awakening.因自己对爱的领悟而受伤,并甘愿欣然流血;To be wounded by your own understanding of love; and to bleed willingly and joyfully.这个油头滑脑的商人执迷不悟,他还没有感到问题的严重性。This slick salesman refuses to come to his senses.he doesn't realize how serious the problem is.这是有我们急需的一种社会觉悟的构成体。Therein lies the formation of the kind of social consciousness that our world so desperately needs.正如华盛顿邮报指出,这场选举将标誌着首次大考验穀歌游说的悟性。As the washington post notes the vote will mark the first big test of google's lobbying savvy.


使...醒悟过来 brought to reason

使人觉悟 open ones eyes to

使从...中醒悟过来 move from

使醒悟过来 bring to reason

恍然大悟 take a tumble; taken a tumble; took a tumble; tumble to

有社会主义觉悟的 socialist minded

有阶级觉悟的 class conscious

突然领悟 burst on; burst upon

觉悟过来 come to one''s senses

认知领悟疗法 cognitive insight therapy

醒悟 awaken from; awoke to

阶级觉悟 classconsciousness

顿悟 insight又称"领悟"。

顿悟学习 insight learning

顿悟说 insight theory

领悟 discerning

