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卧床的英文翻译 卧床英文怎幺说 卧床的英文例句




    a bed

bed [bed]

    n.床,基础,路基,河底,海底,一堆,一层 vt.安置,嵌入,使睡,栽种 vi.上床,分层 教育学士 BEd(Bachelor of Education)


医生建议我卧床一星期。The doctor advised me to lie up for a week.医生说他应该卧床一个星期。The doctor said he should lie up for one week.长期卧床的人易患肺炎。People who are bedridden can easily get pneumonia.这看着不像卧床休息啊That doesn't look like bed rest.健康教育路径对预防骨科卧床病人便秘的临床研究。Study on health eduction route to prevent coprostasis for bedridden patients in orthopaedics.她因为扁桃体炎卧床好几天了。She has been in bed with tonsillitis for a few days.她因腰椎间盘突出,卧床数周之久。She was laid up for weeks with a slipped disk.术后卧床休息5~7d;Postoperative bed rest5-7d good is for patients.我刚刚因患流感而卧床一周,因此我的双腿仍觉得晃晃悠悠的。I'vejust spent a week in bed withflu and so my lees are still feeling all wobbly.卧床休息也许无助于坐骨神经痛Sciatica patients may not benefit from bed rest在那些日子里,我不得不卧床休息,这使我记起了无线电广播的用处。I'd forgotten what good value steam radio was till I have to spend those days in bed.


卧床 took to my bed

卧床不起 take to one''s bed

持续不卧床腹膜透析 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, CAPD

非卧床的人 ambulatory person

