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    to turn

turn [tә:n]

    n.转动,旋转,转变方向,轮流,时机,(一)回,倾向,癖性 v.(使)转动,翻转,扭转,(使)变质,超过(年龄,数量等),车(成)


秘书长赛普勒斯斡旋任务;Mission of good offices of the secretary-general in cyprus;派遣了外交使团在以色列和巴解之间进行斡旋。A diplomatic corps was sent to mediate between israel and plo.赛普勒斯问题秘书长斡旋特派团;Secretary-general's mission of good offices for cyprus;西南非洲问题斡旋委员会;Good offices committee on south west africa;摘要本文比较详细地阐释了达斡尔族男婚女嫁的一系列程式。This article comparatively particularly expatiates on a series of grogram of the daur marriage.本文论述了达斡尔族萨满教的基本情况。The article discusses the basic information of the daur shamanism.老师和父母意见不一敛,她只能从中斡旋。The teachers and parents couldn't agree and she had to mediate between them.他设法在同事和管理阶层之间斡旋。He tried to mediate between his colleagues and management.在两交战国间斡旋。Mediate between two countries which are at war在宗教信仰方面,达斡尔族主要信仰萨满教。In religious aspect the daur nationality believed mainly shamanism.这场争端通过第三国的斡旋而得以解决。The dispute was settled by mediation of the third country.


外交斡旋 diplomatic good offices

斡旋 good offices;; mediation; mediatory

斡旋和调停 good offices and mediation

斡旋委员会 good offices committee

斡旋贸易 intermediary trade

