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温习的英文翻译 温习英文怎幺说 温习的英文例句




    to review
    to revise

review [ri'vju:]

    vt.回顾,複习 n.回顾,複习,评论

revise [ri'vaiz]



我登台演出前总要温习一下台词。I always run over my lines before going on stage.我们开始,先温习上一课。Let's begin by reviewing the last lesson.我巴黎的笔友要来小住一段时间,因此我最好赶紧温习一下法语。My pen friend from Paris is coming to stay so I had better hone up on my French.去伦敦之前,我必须好好温习一下英文。I must brush up my English before I go to London.她忙着温习美国宪法,準备明天的考试。She's busy getting up the American constitution for tomorrow's exam.我的德语有点荒疏了,我希望能有时间温习一下。My German is a bit rusty.I hope I can find time to rub it up.让我们温习英文,準备考试。Let's brush up on our english for the exam.让我们一起温习功课来準备考试吧!Let's get together and brush up for the exam.他温习了一下西班牙语。He gave his spanish a brush-up.温习数学準备期末考试。Study for my math final.我必须重新温习法文。I must brushup my french.我去巴黎前必须温习法语。I must brush up my french before going to paris.尤安:伊米,你是怎样温习功课準备考试的?Euan: immie how do you review for exams?他们每夜都温习功课。They review their lessons night after night.


温习 brush up on

