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瓮的英文翻译 瓮英文怎幺说 瓮的英文例句



    surname Weng

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


你知道这个瓮的用途吗?Do you know the purpose of this urn?骨灰收藏所,骨灰瓮收容已被焚化尸体灰烬的地方A place for keeping the ashes of a cremated body.瓮音的呵欠;洞中的回声A cavernous yawn; cavernous echoes.把死者的骨灰装入瓮内Inurned the ashes of the deceased.尸骨存放处装死人骨头的容器或贮藏所,如瓮或储藏室A container or receptacle such as an urn or a vault for holding the bones of the dead.竖立在基石上的瓮缸The urn stands on a pedestal.希腊古瓮之歌。Ode on a grecian urn.要不是我们帮忙,你早成瓮中之鼈了。Without our help you would be a sitting duck.有比死亡更糟的惩罚,他以他瓮塞的、阴沉的嗓音说道。"There are punishments worse than death" he said in his hollow sepulchral voice.这只瓮出土完整无缺。The urn was unearthed entire.


洛伦齐尼瓮 ampulla of Lorenzini又称"罗伦瓮"。

瓮染料 vat pigment

瓮灰 vat grey

瓮红 vat red

瓮菜 water spinach

瓮蓝 vat blue

瓮黄 vat yellow

瓮黑 vat black

