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弯腰的英文翻译 弯腰英文怎幺说 弯腰的英文例句




    to stoop

stoop [stu:p]

    n.弯腰,屈背,屈服 vi.弯下,弯下上身,屈服,弯腰,堕落 vt.俯曲,辱没


今天他已瘦弱不堪。多年的残酷劳役使他弯腰曲背,筋疲力尽。Today he is thin and weak stooped and broken by years of cruelly hard labour.那我就让你为我辩护吧。面对这样的谴责,人们得弯腰屈膝为自己辩护。I will leave my defence to you; it's a charge that a man has to stoop to defend himself from.弯腰摸你的脚尖。Bend over and touch your toes.一个汉子遵命弯腰。A man stooped to obey.朱尔斯很正式地微微一弯腰道了声晚安。Jules said goodnight with a formal little bow.事情的经过是这样的:媚兰接过孩子之后,瑞德弯腰看着孩子说:“她的眼睛一定是豆绿色的。"Rhett leaning over the child had said: "her eyes are going to be pea green."他身材瘦长并且象学者的弯腰驼背。He had a long thin body and the scholar's stoop.他弯腰躲过了搜查。His stoop avoided him from being discovered.她弯腰捡起一张纸。She stooped to pick up a piece of paper.弯腰驼背、白髮苍苍的老哈利迪先生。Old mr halliday bent and white-haired.我的房主,是一个五十来岁的弯腰老人。Our landlord was an oldish man round about the fifties with a bent back.


低头弯腰 crouch down

在...面前弯腰 bow to

弯腰 bend down; bent down; stoop herself; stoop himself; stoop myself; stoop ourselves; stoop themselves; stoop yourself

