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未知的英文翻译 未知英文怎幺说 未知的英文例句





unknown [ʌn'nәun]

    adj.不知道的,未知的 n.不知名的


我们用x表示一个未知数。We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.以及和那些未来现实相依存的未知情感And emotions that are unborn of realities that are unborn...一个未知的和未经勘察的区域。An unknown and unexplored region.勇敢的猫猫冒险进入了未知的领地!The brave cat ventures forth into uncharted territory!在代数中,符号x通常代表一未知数。In algebra the sign x usually denotes an unknown quantity.在湄公河上游的未知地域发现的From the unknown reaches of the upper mekong region.这个广告的成功与否还是个未知数。The advertisement is still a wild card.整理资料包类型未知。The marshaling packet type is unknown.整理资料包识别了一个未知物件。The marshaling packet identifies an unknown object.直到现在,只是零星地发现这类基因,因此这些基因的数量仍旧是未知数。Until now though such genes have been discovered piecemeal so no one knows how many there are.


变换未知数 transformation unknown

定向未知数 orientation unknown

带有未知数的条件观测平差 adjustment of condition equations with unknowns

当时未知的 then unknown

未知值 unknown value

未知参数 unknown parameter

未知参数向量 vector of unknown parameters

未知数 unknown number; unknown variable

未知数消去法 elimination of the unknown

未知数的权 weightof unknown

未知数量 unknown quantity

未知条件 unknown condition

未知点 unknown point

未知的 undiscovered

未知积累 unknown accumulation

未知站 unknown station

未知量 an unknown antity; an unknown quantity

未知项 unknown term

独立未知数 independent unknown

由已知终值和现值求算未知 known amount and present value compute unknowns

部分未知 partial ignorance

