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为止的英文翻译 为止英文怎幺说 为止的英文例句





until [ʌn'til]

    prep.到...为止,在...以前 conj.到...为止,在...以前,直到...才


完全开启排气针形阀直到从排气连接处的滴漏停止为止。Open vent needle valve fully until dripping from vent connection stops.兴凯湖湿地是东北亚最大的候鸟迁徙通道,也是迄今为止中国惟一的一个国际性自然保护区。Khanka wetland is the biggest passage in northeast asia for bird migration.寻求和平的外交努力到目前为止证明是徒劳的。Diplomatic efforts at peace-making have so far proved unavailing.一直延伸到他上车为止。Put him on the driver's side of the radio car.在跌落舞台报导到此为止So much for reporting from the trenches huh?在南方,儘管克里到此时为止还安全无恙,芒斯特的大部分土地却已被赐封掉了。In the south most of munster had been granted away though kerry was as yet untouched.


一直到...为止 right up untill

一直看到看不见为止 outwatch

亏损结转到转清为止 deficit carried forward till extinction

关于...就到此为止 so much for

到...为止 as far

到发稿时为止 at press time

到此为止 draw a line at; thus much; to date

到现在为止 up to now; up to present

到目前为止 to the present; until now; until the present time; up till now

到这里为止 thus much

就此为止 and no more

截止...之时为止 up to the time of

截止...时为止 up to the time of

截止目前为止的摊销 amortization to date

打到分出胜负为止 slug it out

报告到当时为止的进展情况 report progress

支付到后死者死亡时为止的联合年金 joint and survivor annuity

有关...就到此为止 so much for

期满为止 run off

未了责任到期满为止 running off a portfolio

未了责任期满为止 running off a portfolio

本年初到目前为止的 year to date

本年度截至现在为止 year to date; yeartodate

直到目前为止 up to this point

自製传票至年终结算为止的整套簿记过程 bookkeeping cycle

