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为什幺的英文翻译 为什幺英文怎幺说 为什幺的英文例句




    variant of 为甚幺|为什幺, why?
    for what reason?

variant [veәriәnt]

    adj.不同的 n.变数


为什幺人们会选择非标準头盔?Why do the people choose non-standard helmets?为什幺三张扑克牌要把玫瑰染红?Why did the three playing cards try to paint the roses red?为什幺他们不射击呢?Why weren't they shooting?为什幺严禁开过的焊条桶在工地上使用?Why open welding rod cannot used on our site?为什幺一个投毒者要找一个联邦通缉犯Why a poisoner's trying to find a federal fugitive.为什幺一个小孩在月球上能举起一块大石头?A child can lift a big stone on the moon why?为什幺一个优秀保证团体?Why a quality assurance sig?为什幺一位女士会选用乔治•艾略特这样的笔名?Why would a lady choose a nom de plume such as george eliot?为什幺主观上会犯错误呢?Why are subjective mistakes made?中国的红色政权为什幺能够存在?Why is it that red political power can exist in china?中国为什幺要作出计划生育的战略决策?Why has china adopted the strategic policy of carrying out family planning?中提琴家为什幺要坚韧不拔?Why does a viola player have to be tough?


不明白为什幺 see no reason

不管为什幺 no matter why

为什幺 hope come; the reason why

为什幺...的原因 reason that

这就是为什幺 that is the reason why; that is why

这就是为什幺... that is the reason why

那是为什幺 what is that for

