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畏缩的英文翻译 畏缩英文怎幺说 畏缩的英文例句




    to cower
    to flinch
    to quail

cower [kauә(r)]


flinch [flintʃ]

    vi.畏缩,退缩,畏首畏尾 n.退缩,畏缩


她在(她的)指控者面前畏缩了。She blench ed before her accuser.我想责备他,但他那副羞愧畏缩的神态,使我无法那样做。I wanted to tell him off but he had such a hangdog air I just couldn't do it.我永远不会畏缩,也不会落败。I'll never falter or fail.一次使断奶,学生会开始发展痒的政情不稳地区和畏缩的气味!Once weaned the pups would begin to develop itchy hot spots and funky odors!重工业在外国人的竞争面前畏缩了。Heavy industry was quailing before foreign competition.考试的难度并没有使他畏缩。The difficulties of the examination did not stagger him.面对这一切,维希的法国畏缩起来。In the face of it vichy france was folding up.她一定感觉到了他的畏缩。She must have felt his recoil.畏缩因害怕等的退缩;畏缩To shrink back as in fear; cower.一种使她畏缩的声音。A sound that made her wince.在害怕中退缩或者畏缩。Shrinking or flinching in fear.针刺入皮下使他畏缩起来。The insertion of the needle under the skin made him wince.只消他碰到她,她便一阵畏缩,全身僵硬。As soon as he touched her she seemed to wince and stiffen.


不畏缩的 unflinching

从...处畏缩 shrink from

因为...畏缩 shrink with

畏缩 hang back

畏缩着不敢 shrink from

