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尾随的英文翻译 尾随英文怎幺说 尾随的英文例句




    to tail behind
    to tag along
    to follow on the heels of

tail [teil]


behind [bi'haind]

    adv.在后地 prep.在...之后

tag [tæg]

    n.标籤,鞋带、绳子等末端的金属物,垂下物,附属物,名称,标记符,陈词滥调,结束语 vt.加标籤于,紧随,添饰,起浑名,连接 vi.紧随

along [ә'lɔŋ; (-) ә'lɔŋ]

    adv.往前,向前 prep.顺着,沿着

follow [fɔlәu]

    vt.跟随,追随,沿...而行,理解,遵循,从事,追求,注视 vi.跟随,接着 n.跟随,追随


我们想带着摄影机尾随你们一个礼拜We wantto follow you around with a camera crew for a week.nostrip可用于取消去除尾随空白。Nostrip can be used to suppress trailing blank stripping.从string物件实例移除前导空白字元和尾随空白字元。Removes leading and trailing white space from a string object instance.从string物件实例移除尾随空白字元。Removes trailing white space from a string object instance.员警一直在尾随着他。The police have been tailing him.你知道吗?我想我会尾随其后的You know what? I think I will tag along for the ride.萨默维尔海军上将急于向北驶去,曾派遣谢斐尔德号去逼近并尾随敌人。Admiralty somerville hastening northward sent on the sheffield to close and shadow the enemy.删除了尾随空格的字串。String with trailing spaces removed.


尾随 tag on to; tag themselves on to; tagged herself on to

尾随他船行驶 tail after a ship

尾随序列 tailer sequence

尾随数字串 trailing numeric string

尾随离子 trailing ion

尾随空白 trailing bland

尾随行驶 following at a distance

尾随追蹤 pursuit tracking

