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为此的英文翻译 为此英文怎幺说 为此的英文例句




    for this reason
    with regards to this
    in this respect

reason [ri:z(ә)n]

    n.理由,原因,动机,理智,前提 vt.说服,推论,辩论 vi.推论,劝说,思考

regards [ri'gɑ:dz]



为此,在分析镜和摄影机之间可安放一个望远显微镜。For this purpose a telemicroscope may be mounted between the analyzer and the camera.为此项目争取额外的投资不是极其重要,但将会有帮助。It's not vitally important that we get extra funding for the project but it would help.为此帐户删除密码保护。Removes password protection from this account.为什幺总是为此耿耿于怀呢?Why keep worrying about it?也许电视该为此负责。Television is possibly to blame for.this.因为此举会颠覆特惠贸易协定的政治逻辑。Because such a move would turn the political logic of preferential trade deals on its head.因为我妈妈会为此大吵大闹。Because my mother will raise hell about it.中方将为此继续做出不懈的努力。And the chinese side will continue to make its unremitting efforts to this end.中国为此颁布的法律、法规和规章多达30余项。Hence china has promulgated more than30relevant laws statutes and regulations.


为此 for this reason; therefor; to that end; to this effect; to this end; toward that end; toward this end; wiht this end in view; with this end in view

为此目的 for this end

