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维持生活的英文翻译 维持生活英文怎幺说 维持生活的英文例句



[wéichí shēnghuó]

    to make a living
    to subsist (medicine)

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情

living [liviŋ]

    n.生活,生计,生存空间,居住面积 adj.活的,起作用的,逼真的,现存的

subsist [sәb'sist]


medicine [meds(ә)n; (-) 'medisn]

    n.药,医学,内科学,内服药 vt.给...用药


我可没办法靠每星期50英镑维持生活。I just can't manage (ie live) on 50 a week.虽然约翰最初挣的钱难以维持生活,但他还是设法使自己成为一名演员而发了迹。John managed to carve out a career for himself as an a工人要求得到能够维持生活的工资。The worker is demanding to be paid a living wage.你靠干什幺维持生活的?What do you do for a living?她不知道在得到下一张救济转帐支票之前,该如何才能勉强维持生活。She didn't know how she would manage until she got her next giro.她是一个靠自己收入维持生活的妇女。She was a woman of independent means.我们有权得到足够维持生活的工资。We have a right to a living wage.这个寡妇和她的孩子们日子过得很苦,仅能维持生活。The widow and her children are on the breadline.他们没有足够食物来维持生活。They had hardly enough food to keep body and soul together.她不得不找一个临时工作维持生活。She has to get a casual work to subsist.我们怎样维持生活呢?How shall we get sustenance?政府关心的是看到最低工资保持在维持生活水準之上。Governments have an interest in seeing minimum wages kept above subsistence level.


仅够维持生活的最低工资,仅能维持生活的工资 subsistence wages; living wages

仅能维持生活 kept body and soul together

仅能维持生活的农民 subsistence farmer

勉强维持生活 keep his head above water

最低维持生活费理论 subsistence theory

维持生活 subsistence; subsistency

维持生活水準 subsistence level

维持生活的最低工资 subsistence wage

靠...勉强维持生活 manage on

靠...维持生活 exist by; fed with; make do on

