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胃液的英文翻译 胃液英文怎幺说 胃液的英文例句



[wèi yè]

    gastric fluid

gastric [gæstrik]


fluid [flu:id]

    n.流动性,流度 adj.流动的,不固定的,可改变的,可另派用场的,流畅的


促胃液素缩胆囊素和分泌素作用于相同的靶器官.Gastrin andcholecystokinin and secretin act onthesame target organs.促胃液素、缩胆囊素和分泌素作用于相同的靶器官。Gastrin and cholecystokinin and secretin act on the same target organs.方法:採用hrp标记jacalin,通过elisa法检测各种胃病患者胃液中的胃蛋白酶。The pepsin contents of gastric juice were determined by jacalinhrp elisa assay.所有类型的迷走神经切断术,均产生空腹和餐后血清促胃液素水準的升高。All types of vagotomy cause an increase of basal and postprandial serum gastrin levels.胃蛋白酶胃液中一种消化酶,加速将蛋白质分解成肽A digestive enzyme found in gastric juice that catalyzes the breakdown of protein to peptides.胃里可分泌出盐酸,而盐酸是胃液的组成部分。Hydrochloric acid is secrete in the stomach and forms part of the gastric juice.胃液内含有盐酸给胃蛋白酶提供酸溶液。Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid to provide an acidic solution for pepsin.胃液中的一种酶,能使乳类凝结。An enzyme that occurs in gastric juice; causes milk to coagulate.胃中胃液分泌过多会导致胃溃疡。The excessive secretion of gastric juices in the gut causes ulcers.研究促胃液素的生物化学时代开始了。The biochemical era in the study of gastrin was initiated.胃腺分泌胃液帮助消化食物。Glands in the stomach secrete juices that help in digesting food.


五肽促胃液素 pentagastrin

促胃液素 gastrin又称"胃泌素"。

胃液 gastric juice

胃液分析 gastric analysis

胃液酸度 gastric acidity

