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允诺的英文翻译 允诺英文怎幺说 允诺的英文例句




    to promise
    to consent (to do sth)

promise [prɔmis]

    vt.允诺,答应 n.允诺,答应,许诺

consent [kәn'sent]

    vi.同意,赞成,答应 n.同意,赞成,允诺


对永久幸福的允诺。The promise of everlasting happiness.桃乐西娅认为这是一个美好的允诺。Dorothea seized this as a precious permission.老闆允诺要给我买劳动保险。The boss has promised me a labour insurance.明示协定或默示协定所产生的允诺都可具有强制力。Promised resulting from either express or an implied agreement can be enforced.他向各方作出允诺以此来继续讨好大家。He kept up his balancing act by making promises to each side.我同意你的意见,但是我仍不能允诺。I agree with you but yet I cannot consent.随着时间的推移,他们应允诺开发更广更深的分析能力。Over time they should commit to developing a broader and deeper analytical capacity.我轻信了他那些花言巧语的允诺。I trusted his fair promises.我信赖你的允诺。I rest on your promise.允诺给的玩具;乐土。The promised toy; the promised land.政府已经允诺减轻赋税。The government committed itself to reducing taxes.


书面允诺 promise in writing

允诺 said yes

允诺人 promimsor; undertaker

允诺出庭 undertake to appear

允诺后不得否认的原则 promissory estoppel

口头允诺 parol promise; verbal promise

相互允诺 mutual promises

表示允诺的 promissory

表示允诺的担保 promissory warranty

