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味觉的英文翻译 味觉英文怎幺说 味觉的英文例句



[wèi jué]

    basic taste

basic [beisik]

    n.基本,要素,基础;adj.基本的,硷性的;Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code,初学者通用符号指令代码

taste [teist]

    v.品尝,辨味,(of)有 ...味道,领略 vt.体验,感到 n.味道,味觉


但是,我发现我的味觉非常地敏锐。But then I discovered that I had a really sharp palate.化学感受器对化学刺激作出反应的感觉神经细胞或嗅觉或味觉等感觉器官A sensory nerve cell or sense organ as of smell or taste that responds to chemical stimuli.没有谁的味觉比华托更灵敏的了;他能尝出各种难以区别的味道。No one had a finer palate than watteau; he could taste every delicate flavour.为了诊断或治疗的目的破坏味觉的可移动的牙科用具。A removable dental appliance that is worn in the palate for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.用这盘不寻常的蔬菜激发迟钝的味觉。Pep up jaded palates with this unusual vegetable dish.有天我发现自己真的有敏锐的味觉。I discovered that I have a really sharp palate.这种优质葡萄酒大大刺激了他的味觉。The fine wine pleased his palate.


单味觉 gustum

味觉 gustatory sensation, taste

味觉倒错 parageusia

味觉减退 hypogeusia

味觉区 taste area

味觉器 gustometer

味觉四面体 taste tetrahedron

味觉对比 taste contrast

味觉性出汗综合征 gustatory sweating syndrome

味觉性多汗症 gustatory hyperhidrosis

味觉感受器 gustatory receptor,taste receptor

味觉敏度 taste acuity

味觉混合 taste mixture

味觉绝对阈限 taste absolute threshold

味觉缺失 ageusia

味觉融合临界点 critical fusion point in taste

味觉适应 taste adaptation

味觉阈 taste threshold

味觉阈限 taste threshold

味觉障碍 dysgeusia

味觉频率理论 taste frequency theory

基本味觉 basic taste sensation

电味觉器 electrogustometer

电味觉测定仪 electrogustometer

电味觉测定法 electrogustometry

