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运量的英文翻译 运量英文怎幺说 运量的英文例句



[yùn liàng]

    volume of freight

volume [vɔlju:m; (-) -jәm]


freight [freit]

    n.货物,船货,运费,货运 vt.装货,使充满,运送



下水运量 downbound commerce; downbound traffic

下行运量 down traffic; downbound commerce; downbound traffic

以吨英里表示的货运量 volume of nonpassenger ton miles

估计远景运量 estimate future traffic

公路客运量 highway transportation

净运量 net traffic

南下运量 downbound commerce; downbound traffic

各种类型公共运输业货运量 freight carried by various types of public transport

国际海运量 international sea-borne freight traffic

客运量 volume of passenger transport; passenger traffic volume

年货运量 annual cargo tonnage; annual tonnage capacity; annual turnover

承运的外贸海运量 foreign trade cargoes handled by

抽运量 pumpage

搬运量概要 load summary

改道运量 diverted traffic

水运货运量 inland river transport

泵的抽运量 pumpage

海运运量 n. marine traffic

满载运量,满载重量 deadweight

现时运量 current traffic

现有运量 existing traffic

目前运量 existing traffic

船只载运量 ship load

船舶货运量 total volume of freight by ships

船舶载运量 n. tonnage

装运量 shipped quantity

计算旅客空运量的人—英里 seat mile

货运量 cargo carrying capacity; freight traffic; freight volume; volume of freight traffic; volume of goods traffic; volume of goods transported; volume of rail freight; volume of road haulage

货运量统计 shipping statistics

运量 volume

