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先生,单子上所有中国式的酒都是无甜味的,请问您要红葡萄还是白葡萄酒?All the chinese wines on the list are dry sir.would you like a red or white wine?也有一些是西班牙与美国混合风味的民俗剧。There are also some secular spanish-american folk plays.一个穿着整洁、劲头十足还有点品味的乡巴佬A well-scrubbed hustling rube with a little taste.一种白色无味的水晶状磺胺类药物;主要由磺胺药物製成的母体化合物。A white odorless crystalline sulfa drug; the parent compound of most of the sulfa drugs.一种带柠檬味的液态萜烯,见于柠檬、柑桔和其他香精油中。A liquid terpene with a lemon odor; found in lemons and oranges and other essential oils.一种具有腐烂的鸡蛋臭味的硫化物。A sulfide having the unpleasant smell of rotten eggs.一种散发香味的化妆品。A toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor.在水果冰糕上浇少量的果汁,它就成了一道别有风味的冷饮。A splash of fruit juice over a fruit sorbet makes a simple refreshing dessert.在花坛中他们舞的多欢,挥洒着夏日甜味的香汗。How they dance in the parterre sweet summer sweat.在我听起来这就像是大饭店招待会上弹奏的那种乏味的背景音乐。It sounds to me like the sort of wallpaper music that they play in hotel receptions.奏鸣曲乏味的演出;A lifeless performance of the sonata;半发酵茶,或称乌龙茶,产生略带苦味的、浅棕-绿色的液体;Semifermented or oolong tea yields a slightly bitter brownish-green liquid;


乏味的 sapless; workaday

乏味的伙伴 bad company

单调乏味的工作 monotonous work

有滋味的 flavorous

有趣味的 as good as a play

有趣味的人 good egg

有酸味的 vinegary

极其乏味的 as dull as ditchwater

枯燥无味的 as dry as a chip

淡而无味的 wishy washy

稍带鹹味的水 brackish water

