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晕倒的英文翻译 晕倒英文怎幺说 晕倒的英文例句



[yūn dǎo]

    to faint
    to swoon
    to black out

faint [feint]

    n.昏晕,昏倒 adj.虚落地,衰弱的,软弱的,无力的,微弱的,暗淡的,模糊的 vi.昏晕,昏倒,变得微弱,变得没气力

swoon [swu:n]

    vi.昏晕,惊讶,酣睡 n.狂喜,陶醉


有个年幼的学生在炎炎烈日下晕倒了。A young student fainted in the hot sun.听到这一决策,大厅内的女士们都高兴得快要晕倒了。Hearing the decision, the ladies in the hall swooned with joy.她看来[感到]快要晕倒了。She looks/feels faint.ron被来自他的母亲的咆哮者信晕倒。Software description: about rons howler ron is stunned by the howler letter from his mother.夫人巴登鲍威尔几乎晕倒。Lady baden powell almost faints.酷热使她晕倒了。The intense heat keeled her over.你在大厅里晕倒了You collapsed in the hall.他痛得晕倒在地板上。The pain smashed him dizzily to the floor.他因中暑而晕倒。He passed out from heat exhaustion.她因精疲力竭而几乎晕倒。She was almost fainting with exhaustion.这一会李太太晕倒了,他们在新西兰的得分扯平了。At this point mrs li faints and their new zealand score is even.我晕倒在这里了吗?Did I pass out in here?因为恶臭可能让你晕倒Because the stench is so thick you think you're gonna faint.


晕倒 keel over

