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孕的英文翻译 孕英文怎幺说 孕的英文例句




pregnant [pregnәnt]



在怀孕的最初几个月里,一点点烹调味道也会使我反胃。During the first few months of pregnancy the slightest whiff of food cooking made my stomach turn.在怀孕期镫骨固定可能迅速发展。The fixation of the stapes may progress rapidly during pregnancy.在神经中枢发育的时候,也就是在早期怀孕阶段,补充叶酸对婴儿很有好处。It must be taken before and during early pregnancy when the neural tube is developing.中国的避孕药具供应已基本做到了自给。Now the production of contraceptives in china has basically become self-sufficient.


不孕津 tretamine

不孕津 tretamine

不孕磷 aphamide

不孕磷 aphamide

丙缩阿尔孕酮 algestone acetonide

乙基孕醇 ethyl estrenol

乳胶避孕套 latex prophylactic

从农业母体中孕育出来的乡镇企业 rural enterprises first fostered by agriculture

代孕母亲 foster mother

代马孕酮 delmadinone

低温电镀人造金刚石孕镶钻头 low temperature electroplated synthetic diamond impregnated bit

假孕 pseudopregnancy

免疫性不孕 immune infertility

初孕妇 primigravida

利奈孕醇 lynestrenol

包孕原理 subsumption principle

原发不孕 primary infertility

原因不明性不孕 unexplained infertility

去氢孕酮 dydrogesterone

去氧孕烯 desogestrel

受孕 conception

受孕个虫 fertilizing zooid

受孕率 conception rate

口服避孕药 oral

同期複孕 superfecundation与不同雄性个体受精所生成的两个或多个胚泡同期植入并发育的多孕现象。

喷他孕酮 pentagestrone

地美孕酮 demegestone

奎孕醇 quingestanol

女性不孕症 female infertility

女性避孕药 contraceptive for female

