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玉米地的英文翻译 玉米地英文怎幺说 玉米地的英文例句



[yùmǐ dì]

    corn field

corn [kɔ:n]

    n.玉米,穀物,五穀,[医]鸡眼 vt.腌(肉等)

field [fi:ld]

    n.原野,旷野,领域,(一块)田地,牧场,域,战场,运动场 vt.把(穀物等)暴晒于场上,使上场 vi.担任场外队员 adj.田间的,野生的,野外的,田赛的 扫描场


这天早上,我们在玉米地锄草,从7点干到11点。That morning we worked from seven to eleven in the fields hoeing corn.从宝塔过去,是一片黄熟的玉米地。Away from the pagoda stretch fields of ripening corn.秋季来临时,玉米地里呈现出丰收的景象。As autumn draws near, the虫子在玉米地里干什幺?What does a worm do in a cornfield?美国的这一部分被叫做玉米地带。This part of america is known as the corn belt.他们正在锄玉米地。They are hoeing the fields of corn.他怎幺会出现在每一个玉米地上呢How can he be in every cornfield?沿着玉米地一带已经下过一些所谓“农民喜欢的”雨了。Farmers have also received some welcome rains along the corn belt.一位权威人士1914年断言:玉米地带40%的农场是由佃农耕种的。One authority concluded in1914that40per cent of the farms in the corn belt were operated by tenants.玉米地里是一片泛红的金黄色。The cornfield axe red gold.从那以后,我常常到那所位于玉米地边的小屋。After that I would often slip away to the little cottage by the mealie lands.早晨天亮以前,我常常摸到玉米地里去,借上一个西瓜。Mornings before daylight I slipped into cornfields and borrowed a water-melon.

