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万事的英文翻译 万事英文怎幺说 万事的英文例句




    all things

all [ɔ:l]

    adj.全部的,所有的,整个的 adv.完全,更加,越发 pron.全部

things [θiŋz]



我们的主啊!求你完成给我们的光明,求你赦宥我们。你对于万事是全能的。"Our lord! Perfect our light for us and grant us forgiveness: for thou hast power over all things."新工厂已是一应俱全,万事俱备。It was all systems go for the new factory.原译:他们发出请贴之后,万事具备,只待婚礼了!After they wrote out the invitations it was all systems go for the wedding.正当你心想事成、万事如意之际,尤需小心提防;正在长肥的公猪,并不是交上了什幺运气的呢。Watch out when you get all you want; fatten hog is not in luck.而属灵的人却参透万事,却没有什幺能参透得了他。Someone spiritual knows everything but no one will see through him.你收维萨卡还是万事达卡?Do you take vasa or mustercard?坦白就万事大吉了,真是目光短浅This is what happens with a confession.people get tunnel vision.我们祝你万事如意。We wish you every success.一事背信就是万事乏义。Unfaith in aught is want of faith in all.执拗的少年;万事都包含着难控制的个体天赋。A recalcitrant teenager; everything revolves around a refractory individual genius.祝你事业成功,幸福美满,万事如意。I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead.


万事发牌香烟 Mild Seven

万事发牌香烟 Mild Seven

万事如意 carried everything before

万事达信用卡 Master Charge

万事通 jack of all trade

自命为万事通 knew all the answers; know all the answers; known all the answers

