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越来越的英文翻译 越来越英文怎幺说 越来越的英文例句




    more and more

more [mɔ:(r)]

    adj.更多的 n.更多 adv.更,更多,更加,超过,多,大大高于 num.更多


他们会说我越来越心软了Next thing ya know they'll be saying I've gone soft.他越来越想转身看看这座蜡像。He wanted more and more to turn round and look at the figure.为了发展我国的电力工业,我们必须生产越来越多的大功率发电机。In order to develop our power industry we must produce more and pore powerful generators.为情况越来越糟的暴风雨而担心。Worried by the worsening storm.为什幺气温越来越高?Why is it that the temperature in the roo is rising higher and higher?中国不愿将人民币升值或使人民币浮动,美国国会对此越来越气恼。Anger at china's unwillingness to revalue or float the renminbi has been building in congress.


分歧越来越大 diverged from

离得越来越远 recede from

越来越 more and more

越来越坏 gone from bad to worse; went from bad to worse

越来越多的 more and more of

越来越好 up and up

越来越少 less and less

越来越强大 from strength to strength; go from strength to strength

越来越糟 from bad to worse; from smoke into smother; from the smoke into the smother

