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完事的英文翻译 完事英文怎幺说 完事的英文例句




    come to an end;finish

come [kʌm]

    vi.来,来临,到达,出现,来(自),出生(于),开始 int.嗨! vbl.来,到达,合计为

end [end]

    n.末端,尽头,结束,目标,限度,梢,末端,死亡 v.结束,终结,终止

finish [finiʃ]

    n.完成,结束,磨光,末道漆,完美 vt.完成,结束,用完,毁掉,使完美 vi.结束,终结,停止,终止


听完事情的前前后后,每个人都被深深打动了。Everyone was deeply moved after hearing the whole thing through.你做完事后,请把地板刷一遍。Please brush the floor over when you have finished.你要是完事了,咱们可以喝杯咖啡--不然的话,你最好接着干下去。If you've finished we can have a coffee if not, you'd better keep working.你能稍等一下吗?我和安还没完事呢。Can you wait a minute? I haven't finished with Ann yet.不是一个档几个红头文件了事,也不是号召一下没完事。Not be a file file of a few red heads finishs sth also not be an appeal did not come to an end.但快完事的时候他突然象只受伤的。小猎犬一样大叫起来。And when the finish line approaches he starts howling like a wounded beagle.好吧,明天办完事后,你随我去拉米亚好吗?Weii then it's come with me to lamia tomorrow.为了对你这种万恶的骗子和伪君子实施惩戒,我倒很赞成把它一把火烧掉完事。I have a great mind to put it into the fire to punish your atrocious humbug and hypocrisy.巴巴拉渐渐发起火来,直到玛丽对误会作了解释后才算完事。Barbara's slow burn ended only when mary explained the misunderstanding.初译:“男性只需要来到小便器旁,拉开拉鍊,排完就完事了。这通常只需要32秒。The men just go to the urinals zip down shoot finish.that usually takes about32seconds.等我和她办完事后,你们跟她去我的杂货店,你们可以在那儿开始工作了。After I'm through with her you ride with her to my superette and you can begin working.我都完事了(筋疲力尽了)。I'm all washed up.这样农民使可以收穫,脱粒,然后就完事了。The farmers can then harvest his peas and thresh them and be done with them.

