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完了的英文翻译 完了英文怎幺说 完了的英文例句




    have had it;so thats that


    vbl.have 的过去式和过去分词 conj.有

it [it]

    pron.它;Italy,义大利;Information Technology,资讯技术

so [sәu]

    conj.因而,所以,那幺,这样看来 adv.[表示程度] 如此,那幺,非常,很,[表示方式] 这样,那样,如此,因此 [域] Somalia ,索马里


我的汽油用完了。I've run out of gas.我今天把我的那一半感谢信写完了I finished my thank-you notes today.我们的补给用完了。We have run out of supply.我们等到这支舞曲完了好吗?But may we sit out this dance?我们看着她津津有味地嚼完了两包花生米。We watched her munch through two packets of peanuts.我们已用完了有抬头的信纸。We have run out of head notepaper.我跑完了一万米公路赛。I ran in a ten-kilometer road race.新邮票已卖完了。This new stamps are sold out.一根寒毛竖起来的话,你就完了... One hair stands up on the back of my head it's over.影印机的纸用完了。The photocopier's run out of paper.唷!真高兴办完了事。Whew! I am glad that's over with!朱娣在去昆士兰之前已经写完了那本书。Judy had finished writing the book before she went to queensland.


一切都完了 be all up with

完了 be over and done with

已超过服务年限,已折旧完了 past service life

已超过服务年限,已折旧完了 past service life

彻底完了 all up

早做完了工作 be well forward with her work; be well forward with his work; be well forward with my work; be well forward with one''s work; be well forward with our work; be well forward with their work; be well forward with your work

