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挽救的英文翻译 挽救英文怎幺说 挽救的英文例句




    to save
    to remedy
    to rescue

save [seiv]

    vt.解救,保存,保全,保留,节省,储蓄 vi.挽救,节省,救球 prep.除...之外 n.救球

remedy [remidi]

    n.药物,治疗法,补救,赔偿 vt.治疗,补救,矫正,修缮,修补


美国宇航局是辩论是否派遣太空梭对哈勃太空望远镜的任务挽救。Nasa is to debate whether to send the space shuttle on a mission to save the hubble space telescope.挽救儿童免遭饑饿和疾病;Saving children from starvation and disease;挽救了本党免于政治切腹自杀For saving this party from committing political seppuku.挽救努比亚古迹国际运动;International campaign to save the monuments of nubia;我们知道如何挽救联邦,We know how to save the union.幸运地是,1972年,美国通过了一项禁止使用ddt的法律,该禁令挽救秃头鹰不至灭绝。Fortunately in1972 a law was passed to ban ddt which saved the bald eagle from total wipeout.音乐能否挽救你的灵魂?Can music save your mortal soul?


不可挽救 past retrieve

教育、感化、挽救的方针 policy of education; reformation through persuasion and exemplary deeds; and redemption

教育和挽救青少年罪犯 educate and redeem juvenile delinquents

无可挽救 be past praying for

无可挽救的 irreparable

无法挽救 irretrievable

挽救 brought through; retrieve from

挽救...于生死存亡之际 pull somethingsomeone)out of danger

挽救信誉承兑付款 payment for honor

挽救性计画 retrospective planning

绝望时拼命挽救 clutch at straws; grab at a straw

