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月台的英文翻译 月台英文怎幺说 月台的英文例句



[yuè tái]

    railway platform

railway [reilwei]

    n.[英] 铁道,铁路

platform [plætfɔ:m]

    n.(车站)月台,讲台,讲坛 平台


去华盛顿的特快从哪个月台开出?What platform does the limited express for washington depart from?去上海的特快从哪个月台开出?What platform does the shanghai special express leave from?我们不得不挤到月台的前面。We had to jostle our way to the front of the platform.意译:纽约州,纽约市。人们庆祝耶诞节要到大苹果(是纽约的代名词)圣诞老人们在地铁月台等候列车。People celebrating santacon in the big apple wait for a train to approach the platform.这是去阿德莱德的火车的月台吗?Is this the right platform for the train to adelaide?不小心将自己的车票掉在月台上。Dropped his ticket on the platform当我们通过入口进入月台时,验票员会在我们的车票打孔。The ticket inspector will punch our tickets when we walk through the entrance to go to the platform.我该去哪个月台?Which platform should I go?想要送客上车就必须买一张月台票。If you want to see people to the train you have to buy a platform ticket.

