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怠忽职守的英文翻译 怠忽职守英文怎幺说 怠忽职守的英文例句




    to neglect one's duty
    dereliction of duty

neglect [ni'glekt]

    vt.忽视,疏忽,漏做 n.忽视,疏忽,漏做

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

duty [dju:ti; (-) 'du:ti]


dereliction [deri'likʃ(ә)n]



履行职责时不能胜任或怠忽职守;Carries out duties incompetently or negligently市领导称这起诉讼可能会判该镇及其职员怠忽职守罪。The city manager says the suits may claim negligence by the town and its employees.他被判严重怠忽职守。He was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty.她已经被指控为怠忽职守。She has been accused of dereliction of responsibility.怠忽职守,酗酒,行为有失体面。Dereliction of duty drunk and disorderly conduct unbecoming.我不能容许你怠忽职守。I can not admit you to scrimshank.系主任责备她怠忽职守。The chainman of the department blamed her for neglecting her duty.他怠忽职守并未受到斥责。His negligence passed without reprimand.


债券发行、上市的批准部门及其工作人员怠忽职守罪 crime of dereliction of duty by departments and their staff responsible for approving the issuance and listing of bonds

公司登记主管部门及其工作人员怠忽职守罪 crime of dereliction of duty by competent administrative department for the registration of companies and its staff members

军人怠忽职守罪 crime of neglect of duty in military service

擅离职守或怠忽职守罪 crime of absence without leave or neglect of duty; crime of leaving one''s post without permission or neglect of duty

有意的怠忽职守 willful neglect

构成犯罪的怠忽职守 criminal neglect

怠忽职守 neglect of duty

怠忽职守罪 crime of dereliction; crime of neglect of duty

