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枉法的英文翻译 枉法英文怎幺说 枉法的英文例句




    pervert the law

pervert [pә'vә:t]


law [lɔ:]

    n.法律,诉讼,法学,法治,司法界,规律 v.对...起诉,控告 [军] Light Anti-Tank Weapon,轻型反坦克武器


贪赃枉法的;腐败的能够为了金钱背弃荣誉、责任或顾虑的;易腐化堕落的Capable of betraying honor, duty, or scruples for a price; corruptible.她的政治信仰来自她对偏私枉法的痛恨。Her political beliefs grew out of her hatred of injustice.贪赃枉法的法官、政客等。Venal judges politicians etc


受财不枉法 accepting bribes but hereafter falling short of distorting the law

受财枉法 accepting bribes and hereafter distorting the law

受贿不枉法 take a bribe but not pervert the law

受贿枉法 take a bribe and pervert the law

徇私枉法罪 crime of bending the law to serve one''s personal considerations

徇私枉法行为 act of bending the law to serve one''s friends and relatives; act of bending the law to suit one''s personal considerations; act of twisting the law for the benefit of one''s own purposes

枉法 bend the law; pervert the law

枉法裁判 orders and judgments that misuse the law

贪赃枉法 take bribes and bend the law; pervert justice for a bribe

