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忘掉的英文翻译 忘掉英文怎幺说 忘掉的英文例句




    to forget

forget [fә'get]

    vt.忘记,忽略 vi.忘记,忘形,忘乎所以


“为了忘掉我的羞愧。”酒鬼忏悔着,垂下头来。"Forget that I am ashamed" the tippler confessed hanging his head.关于晚期资本主义以及忘掉消费者迷魂歌什幺的。Of late-stage capitalist society and un-remembering the consumer siren song.或许他能把奶昔忘掉的,Maybe he'd even forget the milkshake或者经过在罗克艾兰那段日子,他已经把你忘掉了?Does he still care for you or did rock island make him forget?你必须忘掉一切你所学You must unlearn what you have learned.你可以忘掉它,那只是空想。You can forget it. It's only a pipe dream.往前走得先忘掉过去。Put the past behind you before you can move on.为了忘掉忧虑,我躺在一棵老树干边的沙地上,画这棵老树的素描。To forget the worries of the old tree trunks while lying in the sand painting when the old sketch.这样吐就能忘掉刚才的事吗Would that you could spit out the memories.


他们故意忘掉 put something out of their head

他故意忘掉 put something out of his head

你们故意忘掉 put something out of your head

使...忘掉 driven out

使忘掉 drove out

她故意忘掉 put something out of her head

忘掉 do not think twice about; erase from

我们故意忘掉 put something out of our head

我故意忘掉 put something out of my head

被忘掉 blew over; blown over; sink into oblivion

