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预订的英文翻译 预订英文怎幺说 预订的英文例句




    to place an order
    to book ahead

place [pleis]

    n.地方,地点,位置,职位,处境,住所,地位 vt.放置,寄予,任命 vi.名次列前

order [ɔ:dә(r)]

    n.次序,顺序,正常(工作)状态,秩序,会议规则,命令,定购,定单 vt.命令,定购,定制

book [buk]

    n.书,书籍,卷,篇,帐簿,名册,工作簿 v.登记,预订,控告

ahead [ә'hed]



你确认过你的预订了吗?Have you confirmed your reservations?您预订好了吗?Have you made some reservations?请为该网路资料夹的预订者选择默认职责。Select the default role for a subscriber to this net folder.入住日至3天之前准许取消预订取消预订酒店将收取预订的总价。If cancelled up to3days before date of arrival the total price of the reservation will be charged.他打电话预订一辆自己驾驶的计程车以备第二天上午使用。He called in to order a self-drive hire car for the following morning.他们全部不预订的吗?Are they all non-reserved seats?提供代客预订和安排计程车服务;Provide the broker to order and taxi service r.我们已预订了一张桌。We've reserved a table.我们有您的预订。We have your reservation here.我们有预订座位吗?Do we have reserved seats?我气死了,因为这班飞机超额预订!I'm so angry because the flight was overbooked!我想在火车上预订一间套房。I would like to reserve a roomette on this train.预订的座位在哪?Where are the reserved seats?预订新珠江酒店服务公寓,New pearl river international apartment


预订 advance booking

预订仓位 cargo reservation

预订售货部 will call

预订维修时间 scheduled maintenance time

预订费 subscription

预订零售部的销售 will call sales

