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愿意的英文翻译 愿意英文怎幺说 愿意的英文例句




    to wish
    to want

wish [wiʃ]

    n.愿望,心愿,请求,所愿望的事物,祝愿 v.希望,想要,但愿,祝贺

want [wɔnt; (-) wɔ:nt]

    vt.想要,希望,需要,短缺,缺少 n.需要,短缺


他们都得参加,不论他们愿意不愿意。They all had to take part willy-nilly.他们可以决定是否愿意重新加入这个团体。They may decide whether they want to rejoin the community.他们愿意泰然自若地接受失败。They were content to accept their defeat with equanimity.他似不愿意回答。He seemed unwilling to answer.他似乎不愿意帮忙。He seems indisposed to help.他是愿意跟随他到底的。He would stick by him to the end.他说他随时都愿意来代替我。He said he would stand in for me any time.他想要逗弄我,于是就露出口风说,苏联愿意讨论一揽子交易。He tried to tantalize me by revealing that the soviet union was prepared to discuss a package deal.也不愿意跟随德米尔一起坐着等死Nor will I sit here under vladimir's command and await death.主动的,愿意的;热切的Ready and willing; eager.


不愿意 feel an objection to; feels an objection to

不愿意干 jibbed at

不管我是否愿意 nill he will he; nill i will i; nill ye will ye

你愿意别人怎样对待你 do as you would be done by

做不愿意做的事情 held the baby

十分愿意 nothing loath; with pleasure

如果上帝愿意 please god

很不愿意 be disinclined to

很愿意做 given worlds to

愿意 be ready; be willing

愿意做 show willing; shown willing

愿意怎样就怎样 please yourselves

愿意服从 willingness to obey

愿意考虑...提议 be open to an offer

更愿意 as soon as not

有能力而且愿意 be prepared for

若你愿意 if you please

表示愿意 show readiness to

