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远处的英文翻译 远处英文怎幺说 远处的英文例句




    distant place

distant [dist(ә)nt]


place [pleis]

    n.地方,地点,位置,职位,处境,住所,地位 vt.放置,寄予,任命 vi.名次列前


向东南望去,他们能看见远处的山。Looking southeastwards they could see the distant mountains.远处,驼铃声中,古道上走过西域商队Amid the sound of camel rings a team of persian merchants pass along the silk road.远处的某个地方…Somewhere a million miles away...远处什幺地方爆炸了一枚火箭弹,炸声沉闷震耳。Somewhere far away a rocket bomb exploded with a dull reverberating roar.在朝东方向的远处,好几艘燃烧的油轮发出的一片巨大的烟云,在天空中慢慢地扩展开来。On the eastern horizon a huge cloud of smoke from burning oil tanks stretched across the sky.在右边的不远处。Not far on your right hand side.在远处闪耀的万家灯火。The lights of the town twinkling in the distance在远处我们就听到小溪银铃般的叮叮咚咚的水流声。In the distance we heard the silvery tinkle of a stream.住在远处的孩子们不能进游戏托儿所。Children living in remote places cannot get to the playgroup.


从远处 afar off; from far; from way back

可远处复位探测器 remotely restorable detector; remotely resettable detector

可远处恢复探测器 remotely resettable detector

在离...很远处 out of sight of

在远处 in the distance

在远处地 yon

在远处远离 be away from

往远处看 look beyond

很快地夹取餐桌上远处的食物的技术 boarding house reach

看到远处的事物 see ahead

看见远处的 see beyond

视界範围内的远处海面 offing

远处成批终端机,远地成批终端机 remote batch terminal

