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原谅的英文翻译 原谅英文怎幺说 原谅的英文例句




    to excuse
    to forgive
    to pardon

excuse [ik'skju:z]

    vt.原谅,申辩,做为...的託辞,为...免去 n.饶恕,致歉,理由,口实,藉口,清借条,免去

forgive [fә'giv]



他说,如果你们口头上原谅He says if you verbalize forgiveness她会原谅他的任何事。She'd forgive him anything.我永远不能原谅自己。I'll never forgive myself.我原谅你了,让我们和好吧。You're forgiven. Let's smoke a peace pipe.我原谅你们的诽谤;也宽恕你们其他的最过——莎士比亚。Thy slanders I forgive; and therewithal remit thy other forfeits-shakespeare.要是你眼神还是跟以前似的那幺不好使,我就原谅你算了。这是个蛋糕盒子。Assuming that your eyesight is as poor as ever I'll indulge you. It's a cake box.一个亲戚,是不可原谅的A relative is unforgivable.一些人因为他们的工作可以被原谅,即便他们迟到。Some people can be forgiven because of what they do even though they are unpunctual.以不可原谅的方式;达到不可原谅的程度。In an unpardonable manner or to an unpardonable degree.这是不可原谅的。It is the unforgivable thing.罪,过失要求原谅或补偿的罪过;过失An offense requiring forgiveness or reparation; a trespass.


不可原谅的 unforgivable

原谅 excuse; forgiven

可原谅 excusable; extenuatory

可原谅的自卫 excusable self-defense

要求得到原谅 excuse oneself

请原谅 by your leave

请求原谅 excuse herself; excuse himself; excuse myself; excuse ourselves; excuse themselves; excuse yourself; excuse yourselves; excused herself; excused himself; excused myself; excused ourselves; excused themselves; excused yourself

