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援救的英文翻译 援救英文怎幺说 援救的英文例句




    to come to the aid of
    to save
    to rescue from danger

come [kʌm]

    vi.来,来临,到达,出现,来(自),出生(于),开始 int.嗨! vbl.来,到达,合计为

aid [eid]

    n.帮助,援助,帮助者,有帮助的事物;vt.资助,援助,帮助;Association Identifier,相关标识

save [seiv]

    vt.解救,保存,保全,保留,节省,储蓄 vi.挽救,节省,救球 prep.除...之外 n.救球


已派也救生艇去援救还在下沉的轮船上的水手们。The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.他在援救一个同志时左臂受了伤。He had his left arm injured trying to save a comrade.但约瑟芬姨母来援救他了。But aunt josephine came to his rescue.士兵们援救了那要塞。The soldiers relieved the fort.援救人员给眼前所见的情形惊呆了。Rescue workers were appalled at what they saw.我知道他将会援救我。I know he will rescue me.遇难矿工盼望援救人员正在接近他们,这是他们赖以坚持下去的唯一希望。Only the hope that the rescuer is get nearer sustain the trap miner.


互援救火社 mutal fire society

从...中援救 rescue from

援救 went to the rescue

援救协定 Agreement on Rescue

援救灯 n. relieving light

援救者 rescuer

援救费 salvage money; salvage charges

搜寻援救工作 search and rescue operation

