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远离的英文翻译 远离英文怎幺说 远离的英文例句




    to be far from
    to keep away from

far [fa:(r)]

    adj.(常用于书面语)远的,久远的,遥远的 adv.(表示空间或时间上的距离)远,很远,遥远地,久远地,甚远地,很,很晚地 n.远处,远方

keep [ki:p]

    n.保持,保养,生计,监狱,[史]要塞 vt.保持,保存,遵守,经营,看守,拘留,维持,记(日记,帐等) vi.保持,继续不断

away [ә'wei]



远离尘世,隐居与世隔绝地处于或好象处于修道院中;隔离To shut away from the world in or as if in a cloister; seclude.远离大陆的僻静孤岛。A sequestered island far from the mainland远离的全球性物理来自噩梦困难的反抗投机。Removed global physical resistance from nightmare difficulty games.远离人工室内日光浴床。Stay away from tanning beds.远离追蹤裁判的犯规。Fouls away from trail official.在俺成年并永远离开矮人坑道之前从未见过一棵树,可俺知道他们是邪恶的。I ne'er saw one'til I be a man leavin'the dwarven tunnels fer good but I know they be evil.这个穿上军装的生疏、倔强的儿子,还是远离家的好。This strange stiff son in the uniform is best way from home.这个荒凉沙漠远离温暖的浅海There's only bare sand and the warm shallow sea beyond.这是对远离城市的乡村地区免费递送邮件的服务专案。This is a mail delivery service for rural areas places that are far from big cities.这是远离观众的立场。This is far away from the viewer's standpoint.


一会远离海岸 stand of and on

使...远离 shut away

在远处远离 be away from

远离 kept away

远离信号 distant signal

远离本体的观测值 outlier

远离热源 keep away from heat

远离现实的 far out

