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完成时的英文翻译 完成时英文怎幺说 完成时的英文例句



[wánchéng shí]

    perfect tense (grammar)

perfect [pә'fikt]

    n.完成式 adj.完美的,全然的,理想的,正确的,熟练的,精通的完成式的 vt.使完美,修改,使熟练

tense [tens]

    adj.紧张的,拉紧的 v.(使)紧张,(使)拉紧 n.[语法]时态

grammar [græmә(r)]



过去分词过去完成时态下的动词或形式A verb or form in the pluperfect tense.现在完成时和过去完成时都属于完成时态。The present and past perfect tenses both belong to the perfect tense.现在完成时在第8单元讲解。The present perfect is covered in unit8.选用一般过去时、过去完成时或过去进行时填空。Fill in the correct form of the verb-the simple past the past perfect or the past continuous.学习使用过去完成时态。Learn to express something with past perfect tense.用动词的正确形式将下面的句子变成现在完成时的被动语态。Change these sentences into the present perfect passive putting the verbs into the correct forms.用现在完成时的被动语态改写下列句子。Rewrite the following sentences using the present perfect passive voice.掌握现在完成时态的用法。To grasp the usage of the present perfect tense.


作业的最早完成时刻 activity earliest finish time

作业的最迟完成时刻 activity latest finish time

完成时效期 satisfy the prescriptive period

完成时间 finish time

实际完成时间 actual finish time

实际开始和完成时间 actual starting and finishing dates

最早作业完成时间 earliest finish time

最早完成时间 earliest finish time

最早完成时间,最早结束时间 earliest finish time

最迟结束时间,最迟完成时间 latest finish time; late finish time

期望完成时间 expected performance time

装船完成时状态 condition final at shipment

预计装卸完成时间 expected end of landing; expect to complete

