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玩火的英文翻译 玩火英文怎幺说 玩火的英文例句



[wán huǒ]

    to play with fire

play [plei],比赛,运动,赌博,剧本 v.玩,扮演,播放,进行比赛 v.播放

fire [faiә(r)]

    n.火,炉火,火灾,失火,闪光,炮火,热情,激情 vt.点燃,烧制,使发光,给(炉子等)加燃料,放枪,激动,解雇 vi.开枪,射击,着火,烧火,激动


别玩火柴了,不然要把房子烧了。Stop buggering about with those matches or you'll set the house on fire.把这件事当作你的教训,再也不要玩火柴了!Let this be a lesson to you never to play with matches!让小孩玩火柴有意义吗?Does it make sense to let children play with matches?【谚】玩火者必自焚。He who plays with fire gets burnt.她暗中挪用公款简直是玩火。She is playing with fire by secretly borrowing office fund.别让你的孩子玩火。Don't let your child play with fire.对小孩儿来说玩火是危险的。It is dangerous for children to play with fire.叫那些男孩千万别玩火。Tell those boy never play with fire.妈妈总是叫我不要玩火。Mother always tells me not to play with fire.让孩子玩火柴,太危险了!It's dangerous to let the child monkey around with matches.他们兇暴地同希腊人“贸易”,结果引起干戈,玩火自焚。They "traded" violently with greeks and so brought sword and flame upon themselves.我昨天告诉你别玩火。I told you not to play with fire yesterday.因为上述种种原因,故我们还是希望那班玩火的人,不要过于冲昏头脑。For all these reasons we hope that those who are playing with fire will not get too dizzy.应该教育孩子不要玩火。Children must be taught not to play with fire.


小孩玩火 children playing-fire

玩火 fire play; play with fire

