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豌豆核基质结合区的功能研究。Study on activity of pea mar.我常亲吻你,喂你豌豆吃;I kiss'd you oft and gave you white pease;我的家人不吃罐装豌豆。My lot won't eat tinned peas.我们有鸡,好吃的豌豆,还有鱼和豆汁。We have chicken sweet pea stalks and fish with bean sauce.用高汤、裂豌豆、洋葱、胡萝蔔和芹菜做成的汤。Made of stock and split peas with onions carrots and celery.在中性紫色土上,豌豆耐氯临界值为400~584ppm。The critical value of cl tolerance of pea is400to584ppm in the neutral purple soil.这汤里有番茄、肉和豌豆。This soup consists of tomatoes meat and peas.这些豌豆的净重是多少?What's the net weight of the peas?


冷冻青豌豆 frozen pea

嫩豌豆 mangetout

杂色豌豆 colorful pea mixed coloured pea

杂豌豆 mixed pea

甜豌豆 honey pea

白豌豆 white pea

箭舌豌豆 common vetch, spring vetch, Vicia sativa L.

紫花豌豆 field pea, Pisum sativum L. var. arvense Poir.

褐色豌豆 brown pea

豌豆 pea, Pisum sativum L.

豌豆潜叶蝇 pea leafminer, vegetable leafminer, Chromatomyia horticola Goureau)

豌豆球蛋白 vicilin

豌豆粉 pea meal

豌豆罐头 garden pea,canned

豌豆象 pea weevil, Bruchus pisorum L.)

豌豆骨 pisiform bone

豌豆骨关节 joint of pisiform bone

豌豆黄 pea flour cake

野豌豆 chickling

青豌豆 green pea

青豌豆糕 green pea cake

食荚豌豆 sugar pod garden pea, Pisum sativum L. var. macrocarpon Ser.

饲料豌豆 feeding pea

香豌豆 sweet pea, Lathyrus odoratus L.又称"麝香豌豆"。

鲜豌豆 fresh pea

麻豌豆 brown pea spotted colored pea

