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wrist [rist]



腕龙的血压大约是500毫米汞柱。Brachiosaurus would have a blood pressure of about500millimeters of mercury.我的腕部骨折了吗?Have I broken my wrist?希望你的腕子折了I hope your wrist snaps.想像它是在你的腕上。Imagine that on your wrist.左手手腕和拇指上绑了石膏,A sticking plaster on his left wrist and thumb


一级腕板 primibrach costal

三级腕板 tertibrach palmaria

中腕 median arm

二级腕板 secundibrach distichal

五腕海百合期 pentacrinoid stage

以铁腕 with an iron hand

侧腕 lateral arm

侧腕板 lateral arm plate

内腕栉 inner arm comb

分离腕螺 discrete cruralium

分腕板 axillary又称"腋板"。

刺腕棘 thorny arm spine

原分歧腕板 primaxil

原腕板 primibrach

双腕螺 diplospire

后腕 posterior arm

多腕的 multibrachiate

尺侧腕伸肌 extensor carpi ulnaris muscle

尺侧腕伸肌腱鞘 tendinous sheath of extensor carpi ulnaris

尺侧腕屈肌 flexor carpi ulnaris

尺腕掌侧韧带 palmar ulnocarpal ligament

护腕 wrist supporter

拇指腕掌关节 carpometacarpal joint of thumb

攫腕 grasping arm

支持腕环 supporting loop

旋转腕臂 hinged cantilever

曲形腕环 recurved loop

有手腕的人 high flier; highflier

杯腕板 cup-brachial

桡侧腕伸肌腱鞘 tendinous sheath of extensores carpi radiales

