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圆滑的英文翻译 圆滑英文怎幺说 圆滑的英文例句



[yuán huá]

    smooth and evasive
    slick and sly

smooth [smu:ð]

    adj.平滑的,平坦的,平稳的,无毛的,流畅的,圆滑的,安祥的 vt.使光滑,烫平,使优雅,消除 vi.变平滑,变平静 n.一块平地,平滑部分

evasive [i'veisiv]


slick [slik]

    adj.光滑的,熟练的,聪明的,华而不实的,陈腐的,平凡的,老套的 adv.灵活地,聪明地 vt.使光滑,使漂亮 n.平滑的水面,平滑器,修光工具 vi.打扮整洁

sly [slai]



他是一个圆滑的朝臣。He was an adroit courtier.她老是有圆滑的藉口。She's always ready with a glib excuse.新is是一后轮驱动的豪华轿跑车,它有着斜背及更圆滑的轮廓。A rear-wheel drive luxury coupe the new is has sleeker coupe-like contours a fastback profile.圆滑的外交手段加强了採用对抗无法实现的合作。Diplomacy secured the cooperation that confrontation had failed to elicit.钻孔并将孔和槽修整圆滑以安装不锈钢尾部装饰件。Drill and rework round holes and slots for mounting the stainless steel rear trim.不可靠的承诺;圆滑的商业交易。Glib promises; a slick commercial.飞机有后掠翼的圆滑的机翼。The sleek swept wings of the plane.她以圆滑的手腕说服他们接受这些变动。She get them to accept these change by tactful management.他没有一点当今希腊人那种柔软的身段和圆滑世故的神态。He has nothing of the supple form or slippery manner of the modern greek about him.她很圆滑地处理了这件事。She handled the situation with great tact.她用一种圆滑而娓娓动听的语调继续说下去。She went on with persuasive smoothness.西印度灌木或小树,有坚韧的圆滑的叶子和特别硬的木头。West indian shrub or small tree having leathery saponaceous leaves and extremely hard wood.在蛤或者牡蛎的壳里的圆滑的有光泽的结构;其价值相当于宝石。A smooth lustrous round structure inside the shell of a clam or oyster; much valued as a jewel.


不圆滑车 non-circular pulley

圆滑车 circular pulley

用圆滑手段使...事情顺利进行 oil the wheels; oil the works

长半圆滑阀 long half-round slide valve

非圆滑动轴承 noncircular plain bearing内孔横截面为非圆形的滑动轴承。

