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[yuán bǎn]

    original edition;original negative;an original edition

original [ә'ridʒin(ә)l]

    adj.最初的,原始的,独创的,新颖的 n.原物,原作

edition [i'diʃ(ә)n]


negative [negәtiv]

    n.否定,负数,底片 adj.否定的,消极的,负的,阴性的 vt.否定,拒绝(接受)


学校图书馆里的原版的…On an original manuscript of the canterbury tales...在档拷贝机中,原版内容的準确写真。In a document copying machine a faithful likeness of the subject matter of the original.这部电影的原版带在製片厂的角落里埋没了很多年无人问津。The original tape languished in the film studio's catacombs for many years.这个单位看着漂亮,而且玩着和原版的重型单位(光明)执政官一样爽快。The unit looks good and plays well as the very heavy archon of the original.这套书虽然不是原版,但翻刻得十分精美。Though not an original it is a good block-printed edition.好象是无法找到原版的罗马,然后安装无法继续。No prior installation of rome total war was found.你是怎幺搞到原版的?How did you squeeze the original edition out?你喜欢原版的《星球大战》三部曲You love the original star wars trilogy油漆工程标準原版1994年7月Engineering standard for paints original edition july1994这种複製品完全和原版一样地好。This kind of reproduction is completely the same good as the original edition.


分色原版 color separation masters

原版 master printing

原版带 physical master tape

原版旋转定位装置 master slewing device

原版正片 master film positive

地图印刷原版 map printing master

