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外借的英文翻译 外借英文怎幺说 外借的英文例句



[wài jiè]

    for public use;public use

public [pʌblik]

    n.公众,(特定的)人群,公共场所 adj.公众的,公共的,公立的,公用的

use [ju:z]

    vt.使用,利用,耗费 n.使用,利用,用途,效用,使用价值


我的书决不外借, 因为总是有去无回。I never lend books; you never get them back.当可供外借的货币增加时,信贷就“鬆弛”,利率下降。When there is more money to lend credit is "loose" and interest rates tend to drop.


利用国外借款安排的基本建设 investments in capital construction using foreign loans

国外借债能力 ability to borrow overseas

国外借款 external borrowing

国外借款余额 total of outstanding foreign loans

国外借款还本付息支出 expenditures for repaying the principal and interest on foreign loans

国外借贷交易 external borrowing transactions

国家财政统借的国外借款余额 total of outstanding foreign loans borrowed as part of state revenue

对外借入能力 ability to borrow overseas

帐外借款 off the book loan

生产设备国外借款的减免 relif for foreign loans for productive equipment

生产设备国外借款的减税 relief of foreign loans for productive equipment

